Head Start Funding Opportunities
Head Start Funding Opportunities
On demand
Duration: 59 minutes
There are a number of funding opportunities available through the Office of Head Start for fall 2020. These include expanding Early Head Start - Child Care Partnerships and state-specific opportunities, among others. We joined the former Director of the Office of Head Start, Yvette Sanchez Fuentes, LENA, and the Mississippi Head Start Association to ask questions and talk about the opportunities. We discussed how to leverage these funding opportunities to integrate a trauma-informed approach to accelerating language and literacy skills.

About Yvette Sanchez Fuentes
Yvette Sanchez Fuentes served most recently as director of children, youth, and family services for the Community Action Partnership for San Luis Obispo (CAPSLO). CAPSLO operates Head Start, Early Head Start, Migrant and Seasonal Head Start, and state preschools in addition to a wide range of services for veterans, seniors, and those experiencing homelessness. Prior to that, she served as director of the Office of Head Start at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services from 2009 to 2014. Her other prior experience includes serving as executive director of the National Migrant and Seasonal Head Start Association, and deputy chief of public policy and research for Child Care Aware of America.
About Candice Pittman
Dr. Candice N. Pittman is currently a program manager with the Mississippi Head Start Association (MHSA). She holds a bachelor’s degree in business information systems administration, a master’s degree in instructional technology, and a doctoral degree in instructional systems and workforce development all from Mississippi State University. She has years of experience in the areas of social science, early childhood education, and workforce development. She has also authored several technical reports and publications in workforce development, instructional design, and early childhood education.