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Comprehensive Literacy State Development (CLSD) Grant + LENA

➡️ LENA Grow: Evidence-based professional development for early childhood educators.

➡️ LENA Start: Evidence-based community program for parents and caregivers of infants and toddlers.

➡️ Proven impacts on classroom quality, kindergarten readiness, and language, literacy, and social-emotional development.

➡️ 100,000+ children and 16,000+ educators served since 2013.

➡️ A birth-to-five solution that works and that CLSD can fund. 

LENA_logo_for digital-2
Make every interaction count in early childhood education.



LENA Alignment With CLSD



Core Elements of LENA Programs

The elements described below work together to provide a cohesive experience for teachers and families that drives meaningful and lasting increases in interaction. For Start families, this change leads to increased vocabulary, confidence, and fewer challenging behaviors in children, along with stronger relationships between family members. For Grow educators, this change results in a more equitable classroom language environment, accelerated language and literacy development for students, and increased teacher job satisfaction, retention, and self-efficacy. 

Research base

LENA programs are rooted in over a decade of peer-reviewed research linking conversational turns to improved language, brain, and social-emotional development. Over 400 researchers and clinicians in over 40 countries have used LENA technology to study early language development. 

Early talk strategies

At each session, participants receive research-based curriculum materials that provide strategies for increasing interactive talk. Areas of focus include personal care, transitions, indoor play, outdoor play, mealtimes, shared reading, early math, early literacy, and songs & rhymes. 

LENA Grow Reports

Room Report

At each coaching session, teachers review the Room Report, which provides objective interaction data on overall room averages and child-specific averages. It quantifies the number of conversational turns in the classroom across the day.

Child Report

At each coaching session, teachers review the Child Report, which provides a detailed view of each individual child’s experience across the day, including hourly counts of interactions and child vocalizations that highlight further engagement opportunities for teachers. This report is also used to engage families in a conversation about their child’s early talk experiences and language development. 

LENA Start Reports

Parent Report

During each weekly session, families review the Parent Report, which provides a detailed view of their individual child’s language experience across the day, including hourly counts of interactions and child vocalizations, plus how many minutes their child heard mostly sounds from electronic devices. Additionally, the report displays the average amount of time parents report reading with their child during the week.

LENA Snapshot

The LENA Snapshot is a parent questionnaire that measures a child’s language development. Completed three times throughout the course of the program, families are able to see how their child’s language development compares to other children of the same age.

Weekly strengths-based coaching

LENA Grow coaches provide 30-60 minutes of coaching each week. The Coach Guide supports them in bringing a strengths-based lens to the data analysis and goal setting conversation with teachers.  

LENA Start families meet 60 minutes each week to receive facilitated guidance from a trained Start Coordinator. The Parent Guide supports them in using an interactive, strengths-based approach to help form a foundation for lasting behavior change.

Weekly goal setting, documentation, and practice

During each LENA Grow session, the teacher sets a specific and measurable goal for the coming week. The teacher then documents progress toward that goal as they practice integrating early talk strategies throughout the week, including the next LENA Day. 

LENA Start families use weekly reports, group sharing feedback, and coordinator observations to reflect and set growth goals for the next LENA day. They also learn strategies to increase the amount of interactive talk their child experiences.

Family Engagement

Each week of LENA Grow, a Family Talk handout is provided for teachers to send home. Teachers also spend one coaching session developing a family engagement strategy and making plans for how they will engage families in extending quality interactions into the home setting.  

LENA Start is a community-based program, supporting organizations in building stronger relationships with families in their areas. Understanding the unique challenges and concerns of local families allows partners to implement the program with fidelity, but also compassion and effectiveness. 

Case Studies

Some of the states previously awarded CLSD grants disbursed funds to LEAs for the purposes of implementing a LENA program. A few examples:


In addition, LENA Grow is included in the research clearinghouses for North Carolina, Oklahoma, and Tennessee.

"The CLSD grant is unique in that it seeks to advance the literacy skills of children beginning in the birth to age 5 space all the way to grade 12. This setup presented us with the opportunity to seek programming that specifically promotes literacy from an early age. The LENA Start program is in perfect alignment to this goal in that early language interaction for infants and toddlers has a direct impact on academic and instructional outcomes in grade school. For our district this connection is key to meeting the goals of the CLSD grant with fidelity and longevity. With LENA Start we aim to strengthen the foundation of evidence-based literacy practices in a multi-faceted way. Firstly, we are able to rely on the robust research behind LENA Start and most importantly, we can expand community and family engagement in a meaningful way."
Velia Muñoz
Division of Equity in Learning, Aurora Public Schools
"Bernalillo Public Schools chose to implement the LENA program to address early childhood literacy by enriching language development in our 4Y preschool classes district wide . Recognizing the critical role that language exposure plays in literacy, the district aimed to use LENA's technology to provide detailed feedback to parents and teachers, helping them to engage more effectively in verbal interactions with their children. The desired outcome is to boost early language skills, background knowledge, and lay a strong foundation for future reading and academic success. ... [W]ith the implementation of LENA in our schools and next year, in our community, we can help overcome the literacy crisis by giving parents the tools and knowledge of how talking to your children can make a huge impact on their future academic success."
Maria Miller
Intervention Coordinator, Bernalillo Public Schools
"As part of our CLSD application, we focused on the foundational elements of emergent language and literacy for infants and toddlers. Our goal was to increase the quantity and quality of interactions between caregivers and infants/toddler in the classrooms with the children enrolled. LENA was the most important tool we identified to support the quantity of interactions and help embed coaching into existing teaching practices. As a secondary result, we measured the quality of interactions using CLASS, an indirect indicator of the improved practices supported with the implementation of the LENA program tools."
Amy Kronberg
Senior Manager of Early Learning Initiatives, Preschool Promise

LENA Grow at Preschool Promise

With CLSD funding, Preschool Promise brought LENA Grow to the early childhood education classrooms they serve. This video explores the results.

How LENA Supports Early Literacy Skills

Children who participate in LENA programs experience accelerated early literacy development. In addition to the examples below, visit to see more evidence, including independent program evaluations.


According to researchers at the SproutFive Center for Early Childhood Innovation in Ohio, children who participated in LENA Grow experienced significantly larger gains in TS GOLD® literacy scores compared to a control group.

Source: Dynia, J. (2022). The Impact of a Language-Based Intervention with Individualized Coaching in Early Childhood Education Classrooms [White paper]. SproutFive Center for Early Childhood Innovation.

According to analysis that LENA's research team conducted in collaboration with Cherokee County School District in S.C., children who participated in LENA Grow were twice as likely to demonstrate readiness on the Kindergarten Readiness Assessment.


According to researchers at Huntsville City Schools in Alabama, four-year-olds whose parents had participated in LENA Start demonstrated higher Star Early Literacy® scores compared to a matched control group. LENA participants were three times more likely to have reached the more advanced "Late Emergent Reader" stage entering pre-K.

Source: Huntsville City Schools (2019). Initial longitudinal evaluation results: Huntsville children whose parents participated in LENA Start have stronger literacy skills two years later [White paper].



"Third-grade literacy is not something that happens in second grade. ... School districts would be very wise to engage well with the preschool providers in their communities, to share professional development opportunities, to share resources like LENA."
Dan Wuori
Founder and President of Early Childhood Policy Solutions

About LENA Technology

LENA's "talk pedometer" technology is trusted by 400+ research institutions around the world and has powered 200+ peer-reviewed studies.

LENA Grow and LENA Start put that same technology directly into the hands of early childhood educators and families, respectively.

About LENA Grow and LENA Start

LENA programs use data from LENA's "talk pedometer" technology to help adults build more interactive talk into daily activities.

About LENA Grow

LENA Grow is an evidence-based professional development program focused on increasing interactive talk in early childhood classrooms.

About LENA Start

LENA Start is an evidence-based community program designed to engage families and help them improve child outcomes through the power of early talk.

Plug-and-Play Language

for CLSD Applications

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